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STRICTLY Presents: The Wheel of Life Thangka

  • Post category:Blog
  • Reading time:13 mins read

STRICTLY Streetwear’s “Wheel of Life,” handcrafted with meticulous care and devotion, is a one of one artwork embodying ancient techniques and spiritual teachings.

In Tibetan Buddhist art, the Wheel of Life stands as a profound representation of life’s cyclic nature and spiritual teachings. Originating in Tibet during the 11th century, Thangka paintings have deep stylistic roots that trace back to early Buddhist art forms found in cave murals across India and China. These intricate artworks, characterized by their vibrant colors and meticulous details, offer a visual narrative of Buddhist philosophy and the cyclic nature of existence.

Central to every thangka painting is the depiction of a Buddha or a deity from Mahayana Buddhism, surrounded by other figures each holding mystical significance. These sacred artworks are revered as objects of religious and spiritual significance, particularly in regions like Sikkim, where they are regarded as sacred objects. The central motif of the Wheel of Life thangka painting encapsulates the essence of Samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, as depicted in Buddhist cosmology.

At the heart of the Wheel of Life lies a symbolic portrayal of three animals—the pig, rooster, and snake—which represent the three poisons of ignorance, attachment, and aversion. Encircled within a cycle of biting tails, these animals symbolize the interconnected nature of our mental struggles and the perpetuation of suffering. According to Buddhist teachings, it is through overcoming these three poisons that one can transcend the cycle of suffering and attain enlightenment.

However, amidst this depiction of cyclic existence, the Wheel of Life offers a profound message of liberation. It prompts us to break free from the cycle of suffering by nurturing wisdom, overcoming desire, and transcending aversion. In doing so, we embark on a transformative journey towards enlightenment and spiritual liberation.

With its intricate symbolism and timeless teachings, the Wheel of Life continues to inspire spiritual seekers and art enthusiasts alike, inviting us to contemplate the profound truths of existence and the path to enlightenment. We are reminded of the interconnectedness of all things and the timeless wisdom embedded within these sacred paintings.

This particular thangka painting is brought to you by STRICTLY Streetwear, a brand dedicated to merging traditional art forms with contemporary aesthetics. Handcrafted from start to finish, each piece takes a grand total of 6 weeks to prepare and paint, ensuring that every artwork is truly “one of one.” Released on January 7th, 2024, this limited edition piece is a rare find, with only a limited number available per month. Painted with 18-carat gold and featuring a cotton canvas made from yak skin, this masterpiece is a testament to ancient techniques and cultural heritage. Don’t miss the opportunity to own this exquisite artwork. Purchase your piece here.

Featured Photo: Wheel Of Life Thangka (40x50cm) from STRICTLY Streetwear (@sssstrictly).