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Featured Artist: Shanghai’s Vinc

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Hailing from Shanghai, Vinc aims to showcase the diverse styles of traditional Chinese art locally and abroad. @tattoo.vinc

Originally from Chaoyang, Beijing, Vinc is a tattoo artist specializing in Chinese tattoos now based in Shanghai. Inside of his studio, you can find a plethora of Chinese traditional paintings, each bearing a distinct style and elegant brushwork. “Classical art is a soothing remedy for me, and it serves as an inexhaustible driving force behind my creations in both the mundane and the refined.” Vinc conveys.

(Original Response) “古典是一劑治愈我的良藥,它是我行間『大俗大雅』的不竭動力。”

“My painting and tattoo style is built on the foundation of classical Chinese traditional art, which is a vast domain encompassing numerous techniques and schools. Broadly speaking, I belong to the meticulous style, often indulging in the portrayal of flowers, birds, and mythical creatures—a niche known as ‘bird-and-flower painting.’ The Emperor of the Song dynasty, Huizong or Zhao Ji once said, ‘It is difficult to write a picture, but nature’s creations often leave their mark.’ As I delve deeper into classical art, I increasingly resonate with this sentiment. Art seems boundless, yet I believe that there must exist a pinnacle of ‘perfection,’ and I am resolute in my pursuit. I hope for a chance to touch it, even if briefly, with no regrets.”

(Original Response) “我的繪畫風格建立在古典國畫之上,古典國畫是個很大的範疇,涉及了很多科,很多流派,大的方向上我屬於工筆一派。我常愛畫些花鳥靈獸,細分下來就是“花鳥畫”這一路子。藝術領域古今聞名的宋徽宗趙佶曾說過:“丹青難下筆,造化獨留功。 ” ,隨著接觸古典藝術的時間越長,我越加深以為然。藝術好像沒有盡頭,但我相信它一定有最璀璨的高峰,且我堅信“完美”是一定存在的,只是我也在追趕它,希望能有與之觸碰的機會,哪怕很短暫,我也無悔無憾。”

“Our Chinese predecessors left little room for us in the realm of art, having perfected numerous aspects. As an artist of the newer generation, I often remind myself that the path of tattoo art is still long, and we should not set our sights solely on outdoing contemporaries. My aspiration is to achieve a certain level of artistic excellence through the fusion of tattoo and classical Chinese paintings. While crafting a flawless tattoo demands exceptional technical prowess, it should not mark the culmination of tattoo art.”

(Original Response) “我們中國的古人在藝術領域把好多事都做絕了,沒有給後代的我們留下多少餘地。作為一個邊緣形式的藝術從業者,我時常告訴自己:“刺青藝術的路還很長,吾輩當不以賽今人為志遠。” 意在希望自己能通過“刺青”和“古典國畫”這樣的結合,在藝術造詣上達到一定成就,而不是僅滿足於製作一個工藝完善的刺青圖案,儘管製作一個好的刺青作品也需要很高超的技術水平,但這絕不是“刺青藝術”的終點。”

Looking ahead, Vinc aims to showcase the diversity of Asian tattoo styles in his work, extending beyond traditional Chinese and Japanese motifs. China boasts a rich history of various styles and artistic approaches spanning a millennia, promising to elevate the art of Chinese tattooing to new heights.

Vinc’s work has also graced the pages of the Chinese tattoo magazine, “China Tattoo Magazine Issue No. 10.”

Featured Photo: 文西 (@tattoo.vinc) of 上海浮光刺青 (